Saturday, November 29, 2008
ox the elves formerly known as the 2chippys
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ohhhh, Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Everything's Bigger in Texas, Part Deux (or the Lintman Cometh)
whew! I thought I'd seen it all! 10 days ago I blogged about receiving a gift from Trash. It's taken me this long to wrap my mind around such an oddity item. Now the AMAZING STUNT BRA is THE #1 product under Bigger-in-Texas Category. This is a close second. Without further ado I present:
I had no idea there were sicker tickets than me and Trash. I was wrong. A woman, unknown to me, makes art from Lint. Don't believe me? Just google Lint Art. That should shock your chakras back to Delhi. I was informed by one of my friends that 'they' collect lint(!) for the alledged purpose of using it as a fire-starter on camping trips. "It is light and highly flammable..." This story is a bit suspect. These are also the people who had the first bunker built for Y2K, cornered the market on toilet paper. But I digress...
I have been carrying around The Lint since it arrived. I was unaware Brinks Armored Trucks considered lint a 'high risk good'. I had no issue with the 20-question receipt/form. I did, however, protest the 'pat down'. Officer Kris ,'the man-lady', took a little too long around the bend, if you know what I mean.
Well, I had The Lint at the Antique Mall on Thursday. Lauren took some publicity shots using The Lint. In this environment, the business with the edge gets the sale. Don't these make you just drool with envy? I know, it's pretty fab.
Limoges Oyster Plate et lint..pleh pleh, I mean oui oui
Cinderella and The Lint Prince
Lint with Apples, Still life
ox...happy MOnday.......lulu
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Butter Pat Special Delivery....
Best Show Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is lulu lounging on her new chairs, she STOLE, from Mr. We Strip. She is so tired, and can't keep lugging around all that money..........Once again thank you to everyone and see you next month.....Lauri and lulu
Friday, November 14, 2008
You all are GOING to B soooooooooo Jealous
This is lulu. I got a gift this week equivalent to one from "we 3 Kings of the Orient Are, bearing gifts we travel afar..." you know the tune...a cute little ditty for the holidays...However, The GIFT is from one Trash Queen from afar.
Unfortunately, I am sTILL SO OVERWHELMED at the importance of said gift that I cannot possibly blog about it at this moment in time. So stay tuned..........oxoxooxo
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
We got an Award, imagine that.......

*****************************Lauri Evans by lulu*********************************
1. Lauri's most favorite holiday is Christmas. Although she gets lumps of coal more times than less...
2. Lauri's son, Adam, is her heart and soul.
3. Lauri would make a good poker player...she masks her emotions extremely well.
4. Lauri is a generous and loyal friend. (She paid me A LOT to write that!) just kidding, Chips
5. Lauri does everything to Perfection! and beautifully as well!
6. Lauri is allergic to vodka.
2 chippys
Friday, November 7, 2008
I'm a lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Kindness of...laundromats
I must confess that I have a little collection going. I mentioned in a comment that I have a small lint collection. over 5000 pieces. I am shooting for the world's largest lint ball. My cat is ecstatic! I have a deal with the local laundromats whereby I collect their dryer lint . But I think Lauri's little gig of shameless begging/boasting is a better way to go: Passive collection.
SO, next time you clean out your dryer vent think of lulu's largest lint ball. The Ripley's people, Guinness Book and Martha Stewart have made inquiries and are interested in doing a little piece on me and my lint. Stay tuned, and keep the lint coming! AND NO, TnT you may NOT send bellybutton lint....gag I do Have standards.
ox lulu
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Kindness of Friends...............
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Everything is BIGGER in Texas
The following story is true. The names have been changed for no apparent reason.
Do you all know what is an AMAZING STUNT BRA????? We didn't think so. Feast your eyes and listen're about to see and read about h-i-s-t-o-r-y! Everything you see on the table came out of our celebrity's BRA--the AMAZING STUNT BRA.
We here at Chippys were in awe...we still are. We witnessed the unloading at Zapp Hall Beer Garden during the Fall shows. No LIE!
The inventory includes the following:
1 set of car keys
1 cell phone
1 wine/bottle opener
1 lipsitck tube
1 rather large wad of cash
1 digital camera
1 stack of business cards
2 rather voluptuous bosoms
nOW That you've picked your jaw up off of the floor listen up! This is technology we've got to employ in the war on terror!!!!! Imagine if the Brits had this in their MI6.
This is a huge, pardon the pun, opportunity for the females of the world to make great strides in a predominately male world, real and in Hollywood: ' Bond, Jugs Bond. Registered DDD37---license to shock, awe and kill!!!! The Quantum of Solace is retitled The Quantum Cups of Solace.
Okay, so maybe you're just a normal, everyday house frau, working mom, etc. You're asking yourself "..but lulu, how can I HAVE A stunt bra in my little world?" Well, ladies, it's simple. Think in terms of your routines and how the BRA might be useful.
Time Saver: Our mystery Bra-Woman says she doesn't even have to undress to try these on. All she does is put one cup on her head like a cap and if it fits...VIOLA....she's got her bra!!!
Green: Hate those plastic bags you get at the store? Just pile your purchases inside your AMAZING STUNT BRA! In an effort to keep mall security from trying to arrest you, we suggest you pin your receipt to your shirt as you exit.
FASHION: ARE YOU constantly rummaging around that overly-large and cumbersome purse? Do you worry your shoes and bag doesn't match? Do you have formal events but hate to carry a pocket book? The AMAZING STUNT BRA is your answer!! There is even a strapless version!!!! whew...those evening gowns can really be revealing.
AIR travEL: wE BET you will NEVER be hassled again with paying for OVERWEIGHT/extra baggage fees, carry on bags or cumbersome BAGS to juggle going through the airport. The TSA might even put you in an expediated line since all you have to do is unload/ easy. (We are going to investigate AMAZING STUNT BRA for our next airplane trip which involves butter pats).
Economy: Go to your closet and just look at the plethora of handbags, purses, clutches. Now tally up your costs. Now, imagine just 7 bras in your lingerie chest. See? All ready you've saved money...that you can spend on more stuff to put in THE AMAZING STUNT BRA.
This is NOT a paid promotional commercial. We just appreciate form, fashion, function and design at its best.
OX lulu
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Urban Farmhouse
Blog Archive
- Ohhhh, Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
- Everything's Bigger in Texas, Part Deux (or the Li...
- Some shots from my booth...
- Butter Pat Special Delivery....
- Best Show Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
- You all are GOING to B soooooooooo Jealous
- Lakewood 400, Santa Claus in Coming to town.....
- We got an Award, imagine that.......
- I'm a lucky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The Kindness of...laundromats
- The Kindness of Friends...............
- Everything is BIGGER in Texas
- Urban Farmhouse