Really y'all I think I'm going to take this burlap thing on the road, seriously. Everything I had burlap sold today. I love it! Thank goodess I had some extras for Texas. Thanks to all my best peeps who came to see me today and bought something at Lakewood 400. I love ya, and I appreciate you. Only five more days and I am hittin the road!
I am loving the way my booth looks at Lakewood now. My sweet friend Marilyn, who was my neighbor forever, has decided to not do the show anymore, so my best buds Pete and Peg have moved down and I took my walls out and now its all opened up. They sell great white chippy furniture and I usually end up buying something from them every month. So now I just decorate their stuff too. How fun is that!!!? Cheers, lauri |
Every thing looks so good! Have burlap will travel!! LOL!
Hope you have a great trip and show!!! (You're going to have a little bit of room to squeeze me in your truck next week, right?)
You are hiring an assistant, correct? Just kidding, but I'd love to go to just one Round Top Texas show!!!!! Oh well, someday will one day come. Enjoy your blog! Best, Vicki
It was so much fun to meet you Saturday! Loved your booth and your style and all the stuff!
Wanda (Excuse Me While I Buy This Junk)
Sorry I didn't get to see you this past weekend, but I will see you at Marburger next week! Will you be at Theresas blog party? I can't imagine you would miss it! I am flying out this Thursday night. Have a safe trip...see you in TX!! xo suzanne duda
Lovely settings and that is one cute baby!
xo, Karen
treasures said...
Hi. Found you blog hopping today. Your blog is awesome! Love your style!
Congrats on your beautiful baby grandson! We have our first baby granddaughter, and it is wonderful! She just turned 1. It happens quickly . . . enjoy those newborn days.
Come visit if you have time, and give me any advice you have; I'm a new antique vendor.
~ Julie
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