Saturday, June 14, 2008


These banners are not only old, but also 2 and 3 stories tall! My friend, James, sold them to moi when we were at Scott's on Thursday. The banner with the circle of stars was used to celebrate the sesquecentennial (say that 10x after a few).
This is James: I love him! He hails from North Carolina. Hi James!

We bought a bunch a fun stuff from Dave & Rosemary of U Pick'Em. They are purveyors of the finest kind of junk we love. They are troopers...a tornado took the roof off of their house last week. You'd never know that had water pouring into their house for two days straight. They were just as personable and easy-going as always.

Peg and John VanDyne of "FRENCH VANILLA" fame set up at Scott's each month. They get to be inside staying relatively cool. Of course how can you not be cool surrounded by such soothing ivories, whites and creams. They never cease to amaze us with their unusual and wonderful pieces.

I do apologize for the slightly wacky photo placements. I don't have my new laptop YET & am suffering along on Adorable Husband's and his blog navigator.

Geez...are those the dealers we wanted to highlight, Lauri? I could've sworn we saw another friend (victim). Oh yes...I remember now: LEFTOVERS from Brenham, TX
Oh wait...something's going kurflunky on this computer. I am going to have to shut her down and do some repair so sorry.
Stay tuned. If you listen real hard you can hear Lauri screaming right!
xo lulu


time worn interiors said...

I have crack heads and butter pats! Ha! Hows that for poning up!!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Now wait a minute Lulu. You can't do this to us. You must post pics of "L"; oh come on, you know we've been waiting. Patiently too, I might add!!

BTW, I loved Peg's things. She has such great taste. I tried to talk her into letting me go shopping with her; maybe one day!!! Can I bring your checkbook when we go, he he!!