And all the little mirrors I found in Texas!
Baby head in transfer ware...faucet handles...
This painting is a Christmas present from Dr. Phil xo

What child IS this?
Well, I know we said we'd be back but I didn't think this soon....Baby's sonogram is a BIT disturbing!
Trash, what kind of P.I. are you? I didn't think 'not from around these parts' didn't mean this GALAXY!!!! and you, LAURI, what kind of mojo did that ^$#*%(# Pixie put on my poor sweet Baby?
I'm dithering and withering. To the Leopard Lounge for further counsel!
We return to WARM AND FUZZY Holiday Photos AFTER ROUGH & SCALY shortly.
xo lulu, Grandmother of Baby-zilla
P.S. May I remind all you funny-not-bloggers that I ADOPTED BABY from Lauri. I have no gene in this fight!...........indignantly yours, lulu
On the 25th day of Christmas the Chippys.....Rested!
Yes, this is the last stop on the wild ride of Days of
Christmas...Chippys Style. Please make sure you've
collected your belongings and keep your seatbelt fastened
until the Chippycraft has flown to the rendezvous point.
Make sure your parachutes are in order. Jump when
your number is called! Ta ta dahlings....and
Merry Christmas to all of you who read, post and/or
enjoy our blog. For those who do not like it we appreciate
you keeping it to yourselves. We will return to Blogistan
sometime prior to 2009. The rest of the plan is top
secret. You understand of course....Sweet Dreams!
ox lulu & Lauri aka The 2 Chippys
Wake up! We're not finished!
On the 23rd day of Christmas the Chippys gave to me
23 vintage buttons
22 old faucet handles, 21 pieces of mercury glass, 20 cups of eggnog, 19 purple bottles, 18 vintage deer, 17 jars of milk glass, 16 clock/watch faces, 15 old santas, 14 days in Warrenton, 13 weeks of rehab, 12 lottles of biquor, 11 crystal cloches, 10 silver hollowware, 9 old bottles, 8 chippy tables, 7 vintage quilts, 6 ironstone platters
4 branding irons, 3 legged stool, 2 butter pats and a
**thanks to TheOtherTheresa for the stash of great buttons ;)**
ox lulu&Lauri
On the 21st day of Christmas the Chippys gave to me 21 Sparkling pieces of Mercury Glass, 20 cups of eggnog, 19 old purple bottles, 18 darling little deer, 17 jars of milk glass, 16 old Watch/Clock Faces, 15 old Santas, 14 days in Warrenton, 13 days in rehab, 12 lottles of biquor, 11 crystal cloches, 10 silver pieces, 9 old bottles, 8 chippy tables, 7 vintage quilts, 6 ironstone platters, 5 JUNK NECK LA CES, 4 branding irons, 3 legged stool, 2 butter pats, and a baby head in a fir tree ................
On the 20th day of Christmas the Chippys gave to me
20 cups of eggnog
Ok, what happened? Did Patsy escape Rehab? Dang nambit
19 purple bottles, 18 vintage deer, 17 clock/watch faces, 16 jars of milk glass,15 old santas, 14 days in Warrenton, 13 weeks of rehab, 12 lottles of biquor, 11 crystal cloches, 10 silver hollowware, 9 old bottles, 8 chippy tables, 7 vintage quilts, 6 ironstone platters
4 branding irons, 3 legged stool, 2 butter pats and a
We've got more up our elfin sleeves!
Merry Merry, xo lulu&Lauri
The following recipe is the ONLY eggnog I drink. Once you taste a sample of this batch you'll understand why.
1 quart half 'n half
1 quart heavy whipping cream
8 eggs, separated into two bowls
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup rum (preferably golden)
1 cup brandy or apple jack
nutmeg, freshly ground or store bought
In large bowl (I mean Texas-sized Large bowl) add the sugar to the egg yolks. Mix on medium speed until sugar is incorporated.
With mixer on low speed...S-L-O-W-L-Y add the liquor in a thin stream. (If you don't add it slowly you will COOK the eggs!)
Once all liquor is incorporated add whipping cream. Add the half-n-half. Once they are mixed gently fold the egg whites into the nog on low speed. Sprinkle with nutmeg.
Keep cold. If you still have some leftover the next day you need to practice for next year! This will put a hitch in yer giddy up!
enjoy....xoxo lulu
Could someone please check and make sure I did it right before she sees it, Geeeezzzzzz.............