Hey y'all, back from my annual trek to Kentucky for the Longest Yard Sale, all in all it was a pretty good trip. Lots more traffic than the years past and super HOT, 103 the first day!!!! But, the stuff was the best. I have been going to the yardsale since the beginning so I have been able to find some pretty good spots and not have to stop at every stop, it pays to know where to avoid and when to go around certain places, because it does get overwhelming after a while, you can only look at so much glass wear and toys...........but, the best part of the trip was gettin to see my best buds, Theresa and Craig Smith and her darling girls. I was able to stay in white heaven and the best part, I went shopping in Theresa's shop, and her garage!!!! I won't show you that stuff cause its not for sale. Here are some pictures of what I got!!!!!