You can imagine my surprise when I found these little beauties listed as "chairs" on Craigslist last week. And then the price alone was a bit, unbelievable, $8 dollars, and then the third surprise, they were in Cumming, no less. Well I'm glad the traffic was not bad that day, cause I think that was the fastest I have ever driven in my life, with the exception of the last time I drove to Texas that is. I just knew when I got there they would be a piece of crap, but no they were perfect. So off to the painting spot and wahlaaaa. I just love them, and I put them next to my chairs in the kitchen and I almost wanted to keep them. But, alas I am still raising funds for Texas you know, so off to the
Woodstock Market show they go. Yes, I plan to do the
Woodstock Market show this weekend, I know, it is outside. And I know, we had 3 inches of snow yesterday, but it is Georgia and I have faith, I am expecting 60's by Saturday. Otherwise, I will be a popsicle.......I'll let you know more later. Cheers, lauri