on Thursday March 12 , 2009 at 23 weeks & 5 days
into Jen's pregnancy. Bella was born at 3:56pm
weight just under 1lb & 10 inches long.
She is a fighter though.
Today she weighs in at over 2lbs 5 oz.
To read more about Bella and her incredible
story visit her Grandma Debbie @ Talking Trash .
Fair warning - take a tissue.
So what does this sweet baby have to do with a raffle?
Amy @ Trailer Trash came up with this most awesome idea.
She is coordinating a raffle to help raise
funds for those pesky medical bills.
So be sure and check back May 1st -
I understand there are some great
raffle prizes being donated.
I understand there are some great
raffle prizes being donated.
The 2chippys will be throwing some treasures
in for the cause too.
Much love to Bella and her family!
Lauri and lulu
and now our donations:

One vintage 'LoneStar' Quilt to honor our littlest Texan and
One original Junk Jewelry Bracelet by lulu!