Friday, January 30, 2009
Larrys quote of the week.........
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Frozen TOT!!!!!!!

Lordy, we are going to have to get ourselves more blog 'gigs'. I believe you all are overloading the innards with ALL THESE GREAT COMMENTS!
I am accepting reservations for any further comments in order to keep the blog from exploding. Please, TRASH, there is no free gift or contest here. So don't think you're gonna win yet another blog-test by commenting every hour (nice try, tho). And all you out-of-towners stop camping out at my house! All you'll get is a shoe full of a doggie pile if you stalk around looking for Lauri.
Good grief. Poor little Lauri has to go out of the house wearing a disguise. She didn't like my Groucho Marx get up. The Gorilla suit didn't fly either. Her son's hunting dogs tried to run her down when she went to the barn. The Taliban Burka was a nightmare. Tequila Night at the local Mexican joint was a flop. The shots kept running down the front of her veil. I think she'll need to wear one of Sharon Nut's lampshades (see her latest Post on Sweet Repose) and paint her truck pink. They've actually had to widen Highway 9 at her street in order to keep traffic flowing. Personally I think we need to install a toll here on the blog. Business is slow...GOTTA DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!
Carry on...but please, no pushing or shoving. And please put all firearms, MACE cans and microfilm cameras out for inspection.
ox lulu
I am accepting reservations for any further comments in order to keep the blog from exploding. Please, TRASH, there is no free gift or contest here. So don't think you're gonna win yet another blog-test by commenting every hour (nice try, tho). And all you out-of-towners stop camping out at my house! All you'll get is a shoe full of a doggie pile if you stalk around looking for Lauri.
Good grief. Poor little Lauri has to go out of the house wearing a disguise. She didn't like my Groucho Marx get up. The Gorilla suit didn't fly either. Her son's hunting dogs tried to run her down when she went to the barn. The Taliban Burka was a nightmare. Tequila Night at the local Mexican joint was a flop. The shots kept running down the front of her veil. I think she'll need to wear one of Sharon Nut's lampshades (see her latest Post on Sweet Repose) and paint her truck pink. They've actually had to widen Highway 9 at her street in order to keep traffic flowing. Personally I think we need to install a toll here on the blog. Business is slow...GOTTA DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!
Carry on...but please, no pushing or shoving. And please put all firearms, MACE cans and microfilm cameras out for inspection.
ox lulu
Sunday, January 25, 2009
PORCH Magazine

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
3quarksdaily: January 2009
Hi. This is lulu. My sister, aka The Green Goddess, had a poem published on the blog 3quarksdaily. She writes so lovely...and I am not just saying that because she's my sister. This blog also publishes works by Nobel Prize Winners and other impressive individuals.
Her piece is titled Mirador. Her name is Randolyn Zinn. It appeared Thursday, January 15th. I apologize for taking 7 days to post this, R.
I hope all of you enjoy her poem. She wrote it while in Spain in the Andulusian region. Ole ole!
Two-Headed chippy Cobra Woman back in basket...
We've retracted our hood, put our fangs on DEFCON 5 and are ready to play again. There is one positive aspect of venting and spewing: Lauri woke up and had shed 20 pounds! I awoke to find all those tiny lines and laugh wrinkles GONE! who KNEW? Although we like the new 'us' we don't advise this type of make-over/diet. It tends to be a little stressful. Makes us mean. Ornery. you get the idea.
So, we had our show at Lakewood. I'll be honest and say the show was good for some and bad for some...guess which side we landed on?.... Oh well, next month is....another month!
Lauri is working away to finish a nursery for a client. Poor little lamb's hands are just about to fall off from all the stitching! Hopefully she'll post the photos. It sounds so adorable.
I, lulu, am knee-deep in taking all the holiday stuff out of my garage and reorganizing it for cold storage. Can I just tell you how much I loathe and despise this kind of chore? It's freezing cold here (25 degrees Fahrenheit) so I have opted to stay warm and make jewelry. I have a new stash of goodies (thank you Sweet Nut Repose) to whip up some crazy stuff!
We're just getting our 'blog legs' again. We wore ourselves out with Christmas. I think we need to plop ourselves at a warm & sunny locale next January. Perhaps by February we'll be back in blogging formation!
Thanks for the support and words of encouragement!
oxoxox lulu for 2chippys
So, we had our show at Lakewood. I'll be honest and say the show was good for some and bad for some...guess which side we landed on?.... Oh well, next month is....another month!
Lauri is working away to finish a nursery for a client. Poor little lamb's hands are just about to fall off from all the stitching! Hopefully she'll post the photos. It sounds so adorable.
I, lulu, am knee-deep in taking all the holiday stuff out of my garage and reorganizing it for cold storage. Can I just tell you how much I loathe and despise this kind of chore? It's freezing cold here (25 degrees Fahrenheit) so I have opted to stay warm and make jewelry. I have a new stash of goodies (thank you Sweet Nut Repose) to whip up some crazy stuff!
We're just getting our 'blog legs' again. We wore ourselves out with Christmas. I think we need to plop ourselves at a warm & sunny locale next January. Perhaps by February we'll be back in blogging formation!
Thanks for the support and words of encouragement!
oxoxox lulu for 2chippys
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
To Whom It May Concern:
Thanks to you , I have taken the necklace you trashed (when you stole the vintage medallion) and turned it into something EVEN MORE GORGEOUS!
Perhaps you just couldn't live without it. Perhaps you are hungry. You could have asked me if you could buy it. Good luck trying to use it around these parts. I've let my friends who deal in vintage jewelry to be on the lookout!
Perhaps you are just a mean person. Whatever, it was thievery. A violation. Yes, I took it personally. I guess that makes you feel better about yourself.
I won't let anything stop my creative process. Even for low-lifes such as yourself.
The necklace in question is the one of the far left on my 'for sale' items on the right side of the blog.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Stormy weather..........It seems the thunderclouds are gathering here in chippy-ville......Why we must revisit this odious topic pains us......We'll probably be kicked out of the Jewels for what we are about to unleash........
The COPYCAT saga continues, remember TOT, when she had a stalker copying all her good ideas, and who can forget Sweet Karen of A'musements, the crime committed against her involved a shop owner/dealer, actually copying her HANDMADE goodies!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing how some people can justify their blatant actions. So, it's our turn (AGAIN). It wasn't bad enough a dealer attempted to rip off our JuNk Jewelry look at Lakewood 400, a few months back, but now some Copycat, has decided she can do the same thing. Now don't get me wrong I like CATS, I have 3 of my own.............We have so many friends, dealers, icons, divas as one person told us this weekend a friend of ours was, we admire and love their designs. We go to great pains to honor others, ideas, and give credit where credit is due. It's too bad not everyone has enough CLASS to do the same. And I know this is where I should say something about how it is a form of flattery and all that noise..........But, you see I am from the South and we don't take no SHIT................... and if that offended you you may want to change the channel now.......... Cause this is war.............You see my Mama aways said, "If you can't say something nice, come sit by me!!!!!!" And I know Voodoo, and I am just now breakin' the dolls out of the box, you see it has worked on my husband for years................. So if your sittin' around tonight and feel a pain in your lower extremities, its me!!!!!!!! And on the other hand if you are gonna copy me you need to be cute, I can't have no hags copying me................get it........ I feel so much better now.......The 2chippys
The COPYCAT saga continues, remember TOT, when she had a stalker copying all her good ideas, and who can forget Sweet Karen of A'musements, the crime committed against her involved a shop owner/dealer, actually copying her HANDMADE goodies!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing how some people can justify their blatant actions. So, it's our turn (AGAIN). It wasn't bad enough a dealer attempted to rip off our JuNk Jewelry look at Lakewood 400, a few months back, but now some Copycat, has decided she can do the same thing. Now don't get me wrong I like CATS, I have 3 of my own.............We have so many friends, dealers, icons, divas as one person told us this weekend a friend of ours was, we admire and love their designs. We go to great pains to honor others, ideas, and give credit where credit is due. It's too bad not everyone has enough CLASS to do the same. And I know this is where I should say something about how it is a form of flattery and all that noise..........But, you see I am from the South and we don't take no SHIT................... and if that offended you you may want to change the channel now.......... Cause this is war.............You see my Mama aways said, "If you can't say something nice, come sit by me!!!!!!" And I know Voodoo, and I am just now breakin' the dolls out of the box, you see it has worked on my husband for years................. So if your sittin' around tonight and feel a pain in your lower extremities, its me!!!!!!!! And on the other hand if you are gonna copy me you need to be cute, I can't have no hags copying me................get it........ I feel so much better now.......The 2chippys
Friday, January 16, 2009
Here we are all set up and ready..............All this stuff is for Sale......................
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
She sent me lefty.........
Hello. This is lulu....I pity the chippy fool who keeps my stuff. Some of us have booths to 'fluff' and manage! IF you were NICE you'd meet me halfway... Thanks advance! xo lulu
Monday, January 5, 2009
It pays to be a JuNkeR........
THIS JUST IN........

Our little brood of Babys IS BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! We thought they were pure as the driven snow. I guess TOT was right when she said bad things about them. We love them just the way they are. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, as the quote goes, then consider us an eight-lane expressway with a Breeze Pass!!!
ox lulu & LauriThursday, January 1, 2009
What is it about a fire????

Here's lulu holding her pitchers, I felt bad cause she cried when she saw them. She had mentioned wanting some pitchers a few months back and I couldn't wait to give her some of my favorites........

Here's me wearing my new junk necklace Lulu made me, It rocks!!!!!! She also gave me a butter pat, so she is my BFF. And some great vintage labels and scroll patterns for my scrapbooking and lots of cool ideas. She's a peach........Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and here's hoping for lots of junk to come our way in 2009........Cheers, Lauri
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- Larrys quote of the week.........
- Frozen TOT!!!!!!!
- PORCH Magazine
- 3quarksdaily: January 2009
- Two-Headed chippy Cobra Woman back in basket...
- Venting,venting,VeNTinG......**&^)@**?
- She sent me lefty.........
- It pays to be a JuNkeR........
- THIS JUST IN........
- What is it about a fire????