What a fun day........it is feeling a little like Fall here in GA, I guess because we haven't seen the sun all week thanks to Fay on the coast, but none the less it is nice and cool and no one seems to want to come to the pool today, so I got up and headed out on an adventure. Last weekend at Lakewood I met a delightful lady named Pat Mallory, who has the cutest store in Powder Springs, GA, so I decided to check it out. Feast you eyes on ReFind Home and Garden. Little did I know what a treat I was in for. At first glance you think cute little store, but when you get inside this is what you see..........
The whole store has a very frenchie feel and she has the most amazing taste......all these wonderful little antique 'one of a kinds' mixed in with old unexpected things. She has a collection of mannequins that she displays things on........this one she bought from Theresa Smith last weekend and draped this vintage lace on, it is gorgeous.

This little area we will call a tribute to Theresa Smith, this wonderful table she got from Theresa last weekend, as well as some of the other things, and look Theresa she has your magazine article opened right there beside it. She has real good taste, huh. I don't know if you can see that darling little baby doll in the cloche on the table, but, she had to come home with me, and the best part is she is missing an arm, and is wearing a beautiful crocheted suit, I will take a better picture of her later.

I wanted to wear that crown, but I was afraid to......
yes, those chairs are lavender and they are FAB!!!!
Look at this mannequin with a darling crown on top that one of her customers made, there are several all around the shop and they are stunning. And the shawl around this mannequin looks so Magnolia Pearl.
Fabulous!!!!!!Vintage clothing.........

The walls are all painted this beautiful robin's egg blue and everything just pops.......Loving that pink quilt so much, I'll take it!!!!!!!
Do I need to even talk about this ironstone..........and look what she did to the table legs with the fabric.....Love It!!!!!!!
And here is the owner of all this wonderful with her friend and cohort Sherri, Pat is on the right. Thanks Pat for a fun day and for all my stuff. Good thing I have a truck!!!!
If you are ever in Powder Springs, GA, that is near Marietta, you simply must stop in and see Pat and all her refinery. Cheers, Lauri