Today was a special day at Lakewood 400, Lulu and I were so delighted to host a book signing for Mary Kay Andrews (Kathy Trocheck) with Lakewood 400. All because she left a comment on our blog. How wonderful was that!!! Here we are with her highness.....She is just the most fun gal you have ever met and she loves junk. All the qualifications you need to hang with us. We had lots of folks in the show and had a really good day. Thanks to everyone who came out and stopped by our booth and bought stuff. Yes, lulu is wearing permanent rods in her hair and on her clothes......its just a phase........
Here's a big shout out to all the girls from Vintage Village in Snellville, you get the Chippys award for all coming by our booth, and buying something. We love you, Lulu and Lauri........
Oh my gosh...your blog is great...I have added you to my reader.
Hey girls! How cool is that? You got to meet Mary Kay!! I love her books...wish I could have been there...Florida's just a LI'L too far away. These celebs that blog are so down to earth, and accesible to people...when I met Ki Nassauer @ Renninger's, I was SO thrilled, and yet she made me feel like we were old friends. Glad you had a good sale! *elaine*
Lulu and Lauri--I had the best time at Lakewood 400--thanks so much for inviting me out--oh wait, i think i actually invited myself! No matter--i had a blast, and you girls have the sweetest booth ever. i could have dropped a LOT more coin, if i hadn't had to get home to throw a birthday party. And thanks again for my prezzie. Let's go junkin'!
Girls.....Loved your booth. Had a great time visiting with you on Sat. Come see us any time at Vintage Village...Laurie, enjoy Texas, but I know you'll miss Lulu. Be careful going through security!!! Susan
Those Rabbit bookends are just about the cutest ever!!! Love it all, Tootles, janna
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