I have to show you all the wonderful cupboard that I got from my sweet friend Linda Luc, who paints beautiful furniture and sells to dealers here in Georgia. I took this piece to Lakewood 400 last month and was so surprised no one wanted it.......So you know what that means......I get to keep it. So after asking my husband many times to help me move it and then fighting with him about three times about how he doesn't want any more furniture in the house.....(What does he know, go back to sleep) I finally got it in the house. I painted the back of it the same color as the wall so all the ironstone would show off. I LoVe It.....Now all the butter pats have a new home and they are so happy, all protected from kitty's knocking them off......Thank you Linda for this French beauty..........
On another note, I have been corresponding with Sharon where is she now Wilson of Sweet Repose for a few months now and she is just a hoot. Well today in the mail I got a wonderful old scale from her that I had seen in one of her post on her blog. And guess what else the sweet little thing sent me some of the most wonderful glycerin soap and candles she makes. Oh they are wonderful. You all need to go to her blog and get some of this stuff they smell wonderful.......And she hand makes them right here in the USA. Of course, if you are traveling through Muscatine IOWA, go by and see her. I tell you you will love this girl and her partner Lorie are a riot. I have gone so far as to MapQuest the miles to see how far it is, I have got to meet them in person......Lulu has also purchased some stuffed birds from her that she did herself.......She is too funny. Please check them out at Sweet Repose.........You'll be laughing and buying stuff trust me....Lauri