Saturday, August 28, 2010

The new love of my life........

Dean Quentin Evans was born on Wednesday, August 25th and I am madly in love with him.  He weighed 7lbs and 11oz and was 20 inches long.  He is the most precious thing I have ever seen.  My only problem is getting to hold him as much as I want, because I don't want to stop holding him!  He is a wonderful gift from God, we are so blessed!

My son has not stop smiling yet!!!!!

and neither have I!!! cheers, lauri

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lakewood 400 in August.....HOT

Another great weekend at Lakewood 400.........I have to say I think the consistency of being their every month is paying off.  And I have already had two phone calls this morning wanting to order chair slips.   I just love it that people love my stuff as much as I do.  Thanks to all my sweet friends who came out to see me this weekend at the show.  As most of you know I was on pins and needles all weekend as we are just days away from the delivery of the Baby of the Year.  Hopefully it will be Wednesday, I just can't stand to wait.........Well, here are some more pictures of my space......

Oh my gosh, do you think I can get anymore stuff on these shelves??????
We found all these old bibles and catholic prayer books on the yardsale, they were a big it!!!

Cheers, lauri

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Longest Yardsale 2010

Hey y'all, back from my annual trek to Kentucky for the Longest Yard Sale, all in all it was a pretty good trip. Lots more traffic than the years past and super HOT, 103 the first day!!!! But, the stuff was the best. I have been going to the yardsale since the beginning so I have been able to find some pretty good spots and not have to stop at every stop, it pays to know where to avoid and when to go around certain places, because it does get overwhelming after a while, you can only look at so much glass wear and toys...........but, the best part of the trip was gettin to see my best buds, Theresa and Craig Smith and her darling girls. I was able to stay in white heaven and the best part, I went shopping in Theresa's shop, and her garage!!!! I won't show you that stuff cause its not for sale. Here are some pictures of what I got!!!!!

I bout died when I found these old shoes, I have been wanting some to wear with Magnolia Pearl, just like the pearl girls.......and look Shelley, they fit!!!!!!!
And of course, butter pats!!!! Cheers, lauri