I'm on a roller coaster ride and I can't get off, I knew it was coming but, I didn't know it would be like this........ Mother was admitted to the Hospital last Saturday, just as we were getting ready for the Couples Shower for Adam and Katie. She has aspiration pneumonia (what is that??) and a serious UTI...... Bless her heart she just can't catch a break. I have been at the hospital all week. And feverishly trying to find a nurse to care for her in her home. Just can't do this rehab facility thing anymore. I am convinced if you stay there long enough they will kill you!!!!!!!!!!
I have been stuffing and assembling the invitations getting them ready to mail next week........ My dresses are here and I need to go for a fitting........Mainly to see if I like them now that they are here and not size 8 or if I need to head to the fabric store to construct a tent....... I have had mothers car for sale and finally sold it Thursday, and my son has bought a house....... Oh dear, that means window treatments, rugs, furniture, oh and we have to paint. Does anyone know how to clone yourself???? Cause I need to be in about 8 places at one time........ I don't think I have enough Tequila for this........ Oh, and did I mention it is almost time for
TEXAS, yes as if I don't have anything else to do, I think I'm jumping on a plane for the Round Top Shows in about .......oh, 20 days...........Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Losing my Mind, Lauri